Category and Tag


# Add Blog Configurations

// .vuepress/config.js

module.exports = {
  theme: 'reco',
  themeConfig: {
     // Blog configuration
    blogConfig: {
      category: {
        location: 2,     // The position occupied in the navigation bar menu, default to 2
        text: 'Category' // Text default to "Category"
      tag: {
        location: 3,     // The position occupied in the navigation bar menu, default to 3
        text: 'Tag'      // Text default to "Tag"
      socialLinks: [     // Information bar displays social information
        { icon: 'reco-github', link: '' },
        { icon: 'reco-npm', link: '' }

# Add Categories and Tags when Writing Blogs

title: [Vue]proxyTable for Cross-domain Solutions
date: 2017-12-28
 - frontEnd
 - vue

Note: categories and tags should be filled in as an array.